BELOW: LA COUNTY LIFEGUARDS TWITTER FEED (yes, it is current but you have to double click)


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

re Sunset Beach lifeguard who will NOT get out of his truck (LAZY) 😡👎 (north of Huntington Beach CA) 

Every time I go body surfing during the winter when hardly anybody else is out there the lifeguard in his truck always comes and parks directly across from me and just sits there and watches me the ENTIRE TIME I'm body surfing. 

THIS STARTED HAPPENING a few years ago. And then I hadn't been back for a while. But then I returned recently and it happened again. The lifeguard SHOULD be able to CLEARLY 👀SEE by observing for a short while that I'm a competent swimmer & of an age and maturity that I am able to handle myself (this happens even when it's low tide & I'm body surfing waist deep - no rip tides, no danger, not even high surf necessarily) .

 So there's something else going on besides a concern for my safety. It almost feels like harassment. He could sit in his truck a little ways down the beach so it doesn't feel so conspicuous and obvious that he's sitting there watching ONLY ME.  

Needless to say, this is the permanent lifeguard who never gets out of his truck. He's not like the physically fit college kids who do it for a summer temp job. I wonder if he actually ever goes into the water. Has he ever actually had to save somebody ? It's a shame really that they pay somebody to do that job permanently and NEVER get out of the truck. 

There should be a requirement that he walks the beach at least once or twice per day. Nobody likes being harassed by a lifeguard 👎😡. LEAVE ME ALONE. I DON'T NEED OR WANT YOU WATCHING ME SO INTENTLY . 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

I support the lifeguard , Jeff Little 👍 "California lifeguard sues over Pride flag at beaches"

Jeffrey Little, who has worked for Los Angeles county for over two decades, earning more than $200,000 last year, is an evangelical Christian, who according to the suit filed in federal court last week, feels the flag represents values that are at odds with his own..." 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Ocd Lifeguard Hq, Corona del Mar

I snorkel/swim 🤿 FOR EXERCISE every day from big CDM 🏖️ beach to little CDM & back. I like to snorkel-swim because it makes it more interesting &fun - to see the fish & sea life down below as I swim by. I would think the lifeguards on the beach at little CDM would be familiar with me by now. Same swimsuit & head gear . Same routine etc. 

But every time I arrive at little CDM they radio for the yellow boat to come & make sure I'm ok. Despite NO signs of DISTRESS.This is getting a bit ANNOYING lately. 

Hey lifeguards, please leave me alone. I'm 56-yo & I've been doing this for decades & NEVER needed rescuing.
 I'm pretty sure I will NEVER need help.
 I absolve you of any liability if anything ever happens to me. 
Just relax. Peace out. ✌️
Everything is OK 👌👍😎 

Friday, June 10, 2022

The WORST LIFEGUARDS are the full-time permanents at Sunset Beach OC 👎. terrible bossy gangsters "lifeguard's pay tops $500,000, investigation discovers" | Fox Business

The WORST LIFEGUARDS are the full-time permanents at Sunset Beach HB OC 👎. terrible bossy gangsters "lifeguard's pay tops $500,000, investigation discovers" | Fox Business 

HOW IS A 'RESCUE' DEFINED? R THEY COOKING the BOOKS? "In that same year, we had over 50 million beachgoers and our lifeguards executed over 9,286 ocean rescues "

HOW IS A 'RESCUE' DEFINED? R THEY COOKING the BOOKS? "In that same year, we had over 50 million beachgoers and our lifeguards executed over 9,286 ocean rescues " 

& How many actual SAVES do they make ? "LA lifeguard's pay tops $500,000, investigation discovers | "

"98 LA lifeguards made at least $200,000 last year, & founder Adam Andrzejewski wrote in a substack explaining the breakdown that "it's time we put Baywatch on pay watch." 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

I want to be a lifeguard when i grow up "The $392,000 Lifeguard: ‘Baywatch’ as Union Shop - Being a lifeguard isn’t easy, but in Los Angeles it can be lucrative. .."

I want to be a lifeguard when i grow up "The $392,000 Lifeguard: 'Baywatch' as Union Shop - Being a lifeguard isn't easy, but in Los Angeles it can be lucrative. Auditors at found 82 county lifeguards earning at least $200,000 including benefits and seven making between $300,000 and $392,000. Thirty-one lifeguards made between $50,000 and $131,000 in overtime alone." 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Thursday, April 23, 2020

1)To the GREATER Monroe LA area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. ..

1)To the GREATER Monroe LA area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
#AmeriPrayer2020 Also See

Monday, April 20, 2020

3)To the GREATER Chattanooga TN area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. ..

3)To the GREATER Chattanooga TN  area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus. I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪 !
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
#AmeriPrayer2020 Also See

Saturday, April 18, 2020

3)To the GREATER Knoxville Smoky Mt TN area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus .

3)To the GREATER Knoxville Smoky Mt TN area. I am a prayer warrior & passed thru & PRAYED 1000 PRAYERS for y'all & #coronavirus . I will be prayerfully traveling the USA 🇺🇸 until we #KillTheVirus 🔪 !
#repentAndBeBaptized ❤ ✝ 🙏
#AmeriPrayer2020 also see

Monday, August 14, 2017

Fwd: THIS SHOULD BE EVERYWHERE NOW "Life-saving drones used to rescue swimmers off French coast " Boston Herald

At 80 kilometers an hour, the 3.9 kilogram drone buzzes to the danger spot four minutes faster than a lifeguard and is programmed to neatly drop a life buoy to the water.
Anthony Gavend, from drone manufacturing company HELPER..."





Sunday, July 24, 2016

BELIEVE IT OR NOT "Lifeguards urge caution after pulling nearly 200 from surf south of Huntington Beach pier " The Orange County Register

Lifeguards like to increase their numbers of so-called rescues when sometimes all they do is wade out in the water and say "are you OK" or in other cases they rescue a person who doesn't even need to be rescued. in fact one time a lifeguard at San onofre tried to initiate a rescue for me when I didn't need a rescue . I was doing very well but their macho self-congratulatory attitude sometimes makes them think we're all weak swimmers accept them.... I was actually a better swimmer than the Lifeguard who thought he needed to rescue me I actually told him to leave me alone


Thursday, July 14, 2016

OC to LA, Latinos ruin beaches, heavy-handed bossy lifeguards compound problems "From drones to drunks: Huntington Beach police will be ready for problems at U.S. Open of Surfing" - The Orange County Register

The Lifeguard problem is actually a top-down issue I think it comes from high sense of entitlement lifeguard supervisors. Latino problem is simply one of too many Latinos who have a reckless disregard for other people I also have a problem with throwing their trash away. For some reason San Diego beaches are much better and most lifeguards much nicer


Saturday, June 25, 2016

"A hero's farewell: Lifeguards gather in Huntington Beach to say goodbye to one of their own "- The Orange County Register

More than 100 lifeguards from various agencies around the state showed up on the sand at Huntington State Beach, Friday, to pay tribute to Peabody, who died May 21 at age 55 after a battle with ALS.
The memorial service ..."


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Swim Team Captain Jack Jakubek Drowns During Lifeguard Tryouts in Massachusetts"

" Jack Jakubek was one of the last people anybody would ever expect to drown: The 22-year-old had been captain of the swim team in high school and at the State University of New York at ..."


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fwd: re "lifeguard earns peers' admiration" (john mather, discoverSD, 9/3/15

re "lifeguard earns peers' admiration"
(john mather,
discoverSD, 9/3/15


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fwd: "Big waves create hazardous conditions along O.C. coast; lifeguards rescue hundreds" - Daily Pilot

 "Big waves create hazardous conditions along O.C. coast; lifeguards rescue hundreds" - Daily Pilot,0,7564077.story


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9

Monday, July 13, 2015

photo-link 7/7/15 little corona del mar beach & lifeguard stand #7

7/7/15 little corona del mar beach & lifeguard stand #7...the newport beach & corona del mar lifeguards are usually pretty good...fairly nice...mostly respectful...I haven't had any situations with them that I would call negative...they usually keep their distance and simply watch the water and beach...dedicated to keeping us safe...I wish this was true of all lifeguards

see photos at

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28

Saturday, July 11, 2015

ARE HB LIFEGUARDS EXCESSIVELY CAUTIOUS? "Lifeguards cautiously reopen Huntington Beach after shark encounter -"

read story at

By the way, what are the legal rights of citizens in regard to being in the water? Can lifeguards legally forbid people from entering the water? Shouldn't it be "swim at your own risk"? I personally had an encounter with a lifegaurd by the HB pier who swam out to me and warmed me of a potential riptide. I told him I was fine,and not concerned,but he kept telling me I should move over to another area but I wanted to stay by the pier & bodysurf the big waves. I said are you telling me I must do so or are you asking me? He said it wasn't legally required so I said "If I have a legal right to stay here,I will do so".and then I kept telling him "I have a legal right to be here". He kept calloing me "dude"in a condescending manner, and I kept saying,"Sorry I'm not leaving I have a legal right to be here." He added,"its my boss who wants you to move" So I said,"Tell your boss I said NO",and waved up at the lifeguard stand on the pier,assuming that's where his boss was..." finally the dude left,and stopped calling me dude in a disrespetful manner. I don't think he liked it when I told him I was a better swimmer & stronger than him,& he wouldn't have to rescue me. He was a KID! I'm 48-years old.Not Latino! Get the picture!, 

read story at

“God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; 
He does great things beyond our understanding.”

7/10/15 "'Aggressive' shark bumps surfer; lifeguards close 2-mile stretch of ocean in Huntington Beach"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

"Los Angeles City Lifeguards"

 “We wait for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our great God & Savior, Jesus Christ.

"Lifeguard Training | Poway, CA - Official Website"


"Santa Cruz State Lifeguard Association ( SCSLA ) - home of Junior Guards and the Sandman Triathlon"

"South Lake Tahoe, CA - Official Website - Lifeguard Classes & Clinics"

"City of Newport Beach : Marine Operations Division"

"Lifeguard Services | City of San Diego"

"Lifeguard Services |
 City of San Diego"

 “For I will pour water on the thirsty land& streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, & my blessing on your descendants.”

"City of Oceanside, California - Lifeguards"

"Learn to Swim - Respect the Beach - Lifeguards for Life !!"

"California Jr. Lifeguards, Standup Paddle Salt Creek, newport beach jr lifeguard Programs"

"California State Parks Junior Lifeguard Program"

California State Parks
 Junior Lifeguard Program

“Thanks be to Godwho always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ & through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.

"Lifeguards | Del Mar, CA - Official Website"

"Lifeguards | Pismo Beach, CA - Official Site"

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"Lifeguard Rescue of Swimmer in Newport Beach Unfolds on Live TV"

 "Lifeguards Rescue Nearly 200 Swimmers as Dangerous Rip Currents Hit Beaches" (venice beach)


 "Newport Beach lifeguard
 drowns in rescue try "
LA Times
 “We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, & rightly so, because your faith is growing more & more, & the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. “

"SD lifeguard truck
runs over girl
in Pacific Beach
- CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8