BELOW: LA COUNTY LIFEGUARDS TWITTER FEED (yes, it is current but you have to double click)


Sunday, July 24, 2016

BELIEVE IT OR NOT "Lifeguards urge caution after pulling nearly 200 from surf south of Huntington Beach pier " The Orange County Register

Lifeguards like to increase their numbers of so-called rescues when sometimes all they do is wade out in the water and say "are you OK" or in other cases they rescue a person who doesn't even need to be rescued. in fact one time a lifeguard at San onofre tried to initiate a rescue for me when I didn't need a rescue . I was doing very well but their macho self-congratulatory attitude sometimes makes them think we're all weak swimmers accept them.... I was actually a better swimmer than the Lifeguard who thought he needed to rescue me I actually told him to leave me alone


Thursday, July 14, 2016

OC to LA, Latinos ruin beaches, heavy-handed bossy lifeguards compound problems "From drones to drunks: Huntington Beach police will be ready for problems at U.S. Open of Surfing" - The Orange County Register

The Lifeguard problem is actually a top-down issue I think it comes from high sense of entitlement lifeguard supervisors. Latino problem is simply one of too many Latinos who have a reckless disregard for other people I also have a problem with throwing their trash away. For some reason San Diego beaches are much better and most lifeguards much nicer
